Thursday, May 23, 2013

Madagascar Granola

A bowl of dark sweet cherries topped with Kim's Madagascar Granola!
Today seems like the perfect day to begin getting the house organized and maybe do a little cleaning while I’m at it.  So with a cup of coffee in hand, I decided the first place to start is in the pantry by gathering up some of the loose bags of rice and grains.  
Note from the package… “Bob’s Red Mill 5-Grain Rolled Hot Cereal is freshly milled from a unique and complimentary blend of premium quality whole grain oats, wheat, rye, barley, triticale and flaxseed.  It is low in fat and a good source of dietary fiber . . .”
Well that was a mistake because the first bag I come across is an almost empty bag of Bob's Red Mill 5 Grain Rolled Hot Cereal.(check out this link - With about 2-cups left inside the almost empty bag, I decided that this would be a good time to try out a made from scratch granola recipe.
I did a little research and found a recipe that I adapted to my liking and then gathered some of the other ingredients I already had available in the pantry.  Using some sliced almonds, coconut oil, local honey, vanilla, cinnamon and salt, this is what I made today!

Kim’s Madagascar Granola


2 cups of Bob’s Red Mill 5-Grain Rolled Hot Cereal (uncooked)

1 cup sliced almonds

3 TBLS Organic Coconut Oil

3 TBLS Honey (local honey preferred)

1 TBLS Organic Pure Madagascar Vanilla Extract

1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

A Pinch of Sea Salt 

Combine grains, almonds in a large mixing bowl.  In a separate small bowl (I use a small jar) blend together coconut oil, honey, vanilla, cinnamon and salt.  Add and stir in liquid ingredients to give the grains and almonds a glossy coating.  Onto a baking sheet or pan (lined with foil or wax paper) spread the mixture out evenly.
Bake approximately 40 to 45 minutes.  Be sure to check, stir and turn the mixture around the pan every 8 to 10 minutes to avoid over baking or burning the granola.  Ovens vary, so be careful not to overbrown.
Remove from oven and transfer the baked granola onto another baking sheet or pan in a single layer. Allow the granola to cool completely and then store in an airtight container.  
Enjoy the granola tossed over yogurt, fruit or ice cream.  Also great to use when creating trail mixes or snack bars.

Yummy, this is so good for you and as you know . . .  it is always made “Best from Scratch!"

Final observation:  So much for getting organized, I now have more to clean up.
But it was well worth the effort!

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